Thursday, June 13, 2024



The old Bonfield Tavern, yes I remembered this place when I was enjoying a local photo trip with my friends Bob and Rob. We stopped off here to enjoy a small lunch and a beer of course. This tavern was a typical country pub.It is a pity that so many of these rustic establishments have disappeared. 

Monday, June 10, 2024



This old abandoned truck was left in a city scrap yard, which I wandered into by accidents when I was looking around for some interesting photo subjects. There were some other vehicles and an assortment of different rusting metal objects left in a city scrap yard. Nothing spectacular but enough for me to take some visually intriguing images.

Saturday, June 08, 2024



One of my neighbours bought this beautiful small car. What a great piece of automotive design. It is in excellent condition, even though it had been in a garage for over thirty years. It is a Sebring MX. I had never heard of this car, which looks like a classic British sports car. Manufactured in the US where it’s still being produced but now with an  electric motor according to the information I read on the Sebring owners club in the UK.

Monday, June 03, 2024



A few weeks ago I noticed how several businesses on Oak Street had spruced up their stores. It made this otherwise drab looking street into a happy,  festive cityscape. So yesterday I took some colourful images.It was a grey overcast day, which I preferred for this subject. Sunshine would have created too much textures and shadows, while I wanted to emphasize the colours. Returning home I transferred some of the pictures to my iPad and using and using my favourite  photo app Snapseed. So here is the result. 

Saturday, May 18, 2024



Last Thursday my fiend john and I made our very first photo trip of this Spring season. Wonderful day, the weather was perfect, the places we visited were very quiet, I guess in anticipation of the first holiday weekend before the Summer holiday. All in all a day to remember. 

Returning home I looked at my images of that trip and noticed that the majority of pictures were richly textured subjects. Here the combination of strong water textures but also a feeling of movement and of course dramatic lighting..